
“It is the purpose of Domestic Violence Services, Inc. to provide services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and to work toward ending violence within the community, now and in the future”

Our Services

We are a non-profit agency providing confidential advocacy, support and emergency services for survivors of domestic, sexual and dating violence and stalking.

We offer awareness and education in the communities we serve with the goal of ending and preventing violence. It is likely that you know someone who is experiencing violence. Some helpful services are listed below:

It is important to recognize as a society that domestic violence and sexual assault does not discriminate.
Victims are any age, any gender and every nationality and background.
Abusers are any age, any gender and every nationality and background

Abuse does not discriminate.

It is our mission to help ALL victim’s of domestic violence and sexual assault without regard to their gender, age, national origin, sexual preference, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, disability or religion.